Sometimes Knitting is Like Golf

I've heard that golf is the most frustrating game to play in the world. One of my husband's old college friends, one of the most even-tempered men you would ever expect to meet, is rumored to not own one club that isn't bent.
I have a few bent knitting needles, but not because I've whacked them against a tree, and not because I've been frustrated. But I have been frustrated enough to think about doing something distinctly un-grownup-like. A case in point would be the pair of socks I made for my husband over the holidays. I've only knit him one other pair of socks before--my first pair ever--and they were a hit. He also wore the heels through and some of the toes in about two months. So I hadn't been anxious to make another pair right away. Then I got the idea of adding a strand of mohair to the yarn while making the sole. That should make it tough and cushy, right?

Well, I made so many mistakes making these socks, I've begun to wonder if there's a jinx on them. The first mistake was my fault--I wanted to make them in black or navy so that Dan could wear them to work--I had no idea it would be so hard to see what I was doing. Many times in the ribbing I'd find where I'd gotten off by a stitch and had to unravel a few columns of stitches to fix them. Maybe I'd better not catalogue all of the mistakes, or you'll think I don't know anything about knitting. The last, and worst mistake, was that I didn't write down how I made the first sock, being sure I'd remember it. When he proudly pulled them on, I realized that I'd made one sock about 1 1/2 inches longer than the other. Man. He loves them and wears them, even though they are too loose in the calves--because he complains that socks are often too tight there, and I overcompensated--and in the length, because I went by his foot length, but should have made them about 1/2" shorter than the foot to allow them to stretch all over. Aaaaaaauugghh.

I can make socks, though. I've made probably 6 pairs plus 6 pairs of slipper socks in bulky yarn, and I'm not sure how many baby socks; I'd say a dozen. Here's the latest pair for a nurse at work who is expecting:

These are made from Peter Pan on size 3 needles, and I think that they make good socks for girls or boys.
What is the inquisitive sheep doing at the top of my post? Will explain next time. May all your socks fit their destined feet.